
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Plans for Fourth of July are in action…finally!

Hallelujah!…I finally have plans for this weekend. I'll be going to Nashville/Vanderbilt where my boyfriend goes to school to stay for a couple of days. I'm SO excited. In the past when I have visited him, like during the school year, I have always had homework and stuff to worry about during the visits…but not this time thanks to summer! Granted that my boyfriend will probably have a little homework from his summer classes, the 6 and a half hour drive down there will be well worth it!

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Bachelorette!

Monday nights are my favorite, and always have been, because of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. Sad, but true! Haha

The past few episodes have been somewhat annoying with Ashley obsessing over Bentley, but hopefully tonight's episode will bring a little closure for her concerning Bentley. Here are my fav picks for her!

Ryan P! Such a happy-go-lucky kind of guy 
Ben F! She needs a guy like this to cheer her up, plus he's a Wine Maker! Can't go wrong there.

Also, these rumors about Ashley being engaged now? Thoughts anyone?!

Sorry for obsessing ;)

Monday, Monday, Monday

So I just did my daily workout at the local gym- one mile time-trial, ab, and leg workouts. I’m walking back to the entrance of the gym from the weight room, sporting on of my UVA shirts, and this 13/14 year old kid says “Hey you like Virginia?!”I say, “yeah! I’ll be going there this fall” and he replies “NO WAY! That’s my dream school!” So we got to talking and it turns out he’ll be a freshman in high school this fall (at my high school’s rival school back home) and he has his heart set on playing baseball at UVA (seriously a great baseball team). He caught me on my way out again and was asking me what my major was and whatnot. I told him Kinesiology/Exercise Physiology/Pre-PT and he says, “No way! That’s what I want to do!” And not to be judgmental, but the other boys that he was hanging around at the gym didn’t seem like they were necessarily the best crowd to hang around. I was surprised at how mature this kid was for his age and how clearly he had already set his goals. It was kind of cool to feel like this kid looks up to me and what I am doing with my life after one conversation. I was telling him how UVA is a great school and really, really hard to get into, but if he does well with baseball and his grades and whatnot, he could definitely get accepted and even get some kind of baseball scholarship. So now, I am being a TOTAL creeper and trying to find this kid on facebook or something and let him know if he ever needs an academic/college admissions advice to let me know (He was around a couple of his friends when I was talking to him, so I didn’t want to be like “HEY I’M SIX YEARS OLDER THAN YOU..ADD ME ON FACEBOOK!!” or “CAN I HAVE YA NUMBAA?”)
It does seem a little creeperish, but I guess I want to tell kids like him everything that I wish someone would’ve told me when I was a freshman in high school and when I first set my eyes on UVA. I’m so so happy that I’ll finally be transferring to UVA this fall as a junior after three times of applying there, but Lord knows that it would have been ideal to be there for my full four years of college. Here’s to hoping I run into him again and can give him a couple pep talks! Haha… I am so motherly sometimes. 
I suppose it’s the little things like this that make you wonder if you truly are making a difference in other’s lives.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The ideas are flowin' in!

Fair warning...I'll be filling my blog with a ton of interior decorating ideas for my new apartment this fall (sorry in advance), so here are a few more!

Button monogram - gotta do it! So so so so cute!

Love this idea. Plus, it seems like it would be so easy to make.

Fresh flowers for my room and living room, WEEKLY!

And of course, my new bedspread! I've had a yellow bedspread in my dorm room for the past two years so I'm ready to switch it up a little with this blue and pink duvet cover from Pottery Barn. Speaking of dorm rooms, I'm totally ready to have my full size bed in my room!

Country living: A blessing and a curse, but mostly a blessing

Without a doubt, I am a city girl at heart. This can make living in rural Southwest Virginia a challenge, at times. I drive down to Charlotte, NC to do all of my shopping and I attend a university in a somewhat lively town. As I spend my last summer at home after my second year of college, I'm trying to appreciate the country setting that I live in for what it truly is - undoubtedly beautiful.
  We live on a little plateau and have a field in our front yard - my friends always come over for bonfires and tell me the field reminds them of a Taylor Swift music video.

And of course I love spending time with my pup, Jack :)
I just love this little (big) guy so much :)

Saturday, June 25, 2011

ikat, ikat, ikat!

As I prepare to move into my first apartment this fall at school, I've been going interior decorating crazy! My new obsession? ikat prints! (as you can tell from my background) :

These grape ikat chairs are FABULOUS!
Not to mention these paired ikat prints, love love love! Rather than paying the two-hundred-something dollars for this set of six, I thought about just buying coordinating ikat fabrics and fashionably stapling them to square white canvases. I think it could work - we shall see!  
Just hand over all of these, will ya?! ;)

Coloring outside the lines: post numero uno!

So I've been sitting here thinking of what to put on my first post - some sort of epic conclusion of why I started a blog. Clearly, I didn't have much luck. I love the whole photo blogging and re-blogging concept, however I wanted to create something a little more personal to my memories, lifestyle, friendships, interests, and eventually some of my own photos (if they turn out well, that is).

Also, I'm setting out a new journey this fall ( I guess you could say) and I want to record every new experience and memory in depth because it's going to be a great experience, without a doubt. To sum it up, I'm finally going to my dream college this fall. After three times applying to this little ole dream school of mine (getting waitlisted once, then rejected another time) I was finally ACCEPTED my third time and I'll be transferring as a third year student. I can't conjure up all of the emotions I've felt in the past few years regarding the admissions process of this one school, so I'll post little tid-bits about it along the way :). Oh! And the school I'll be going to is the University of Virginia :)

Regarding fashion, here's where I'll put all of the things that I love but can't necessarily afford - and that is perfectly OK :)

Here's to making a colorful blog of my colorful life…that's all for now!